Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cauldron Splash Recipes: Abundance and Luck

 So I have been experimenting with Cauldron Splashes and here are the recipes I gave out at last Thursday's meeting

Fill container 3/4 the way for rubbing alcohol 70%
Fill container 1/4 the way with another alcohol (vodka works best)
2 drops of green food coloring
3 drops Bergamot Oil
3 pinches of Chamomile herb
4 pinches of Cinnamon herb
4 pinches of Clove herb

last night i added 10 drops of prosperity oil which I'll give the recipe for later

1/2 filled with rubbing alcohol 70%
1/2 filled with another alcohol (vodka works best)
3 drops of Mandarin oil
a pinch of rose petals
3 pinches of heather
a pinch or 2 of Hazel

Now remember what you do with the  cauldron splash is after you create your splash you let it sit in a cool dark place in a sealed container for about a week to 2 weeks and then you put it in a fire safe container to burn... lite and let burn like an incense when you do a spell it has the same effect as candle or amplifies the spell

1 comment:

  1. These are so wonderful Lilly! I am going to use mine in a ritual tonight! Thank You so much!
