Sunday, November 27, 2011

Greek Mythology: The Fall of the Titans (part 2)

The Titan Themis and her son Prometheus side with Zeus. The war between the Titans and the Olympians lasted 10 long years. At the very end of the war the Titans sent out Typhon who was a terrible beast. Typhon was fathered by Tartarus and Gaia known as the "father of all monsters" with his wife Echidna. He was said to have the upper body of a man... lower body of a great serpent dragons for each finger and wings... he was said to be taller then the sky...

Eventually the Olympians win and the 3 brothers divide the realms Hades is the oldest male heir and claims the birth right of the oldest male to rule the heavens but Zeus argues against it saying that he is the one that freed the others and they all agree to "draw lots" kinda like the shortest straw loses.... Well we all know who lost. Zeus was given the Heavens, Poseidon the Seas, and Hades against his birth right was given the dreaded Underworld.

Yet again the Cyclopes and the Hecatonchires (Hundred-handed Giants) were imprisoned in Tartarus... even though they helped the Olympians. As for the Titans that fought against the Olympians... were punished. Some were sent to Tartarus and others who were particularly against the Olympians were selected for special punishments.

Ex. Atlas was forced to hold up the Earth for all eternity.

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