Now that we got that said and done... I want to talk about the importance of finding the right tattoo artist. There is so many tattoo artists out there but not a great number of good or great ones. It is so important to find a tattoo artist whos art you appreciate and the tattoo artist that actually cares about the art and the person they are tattooing. From personal experience I have had both and I can confidently say just because they can trace and put ink under your skin does not give the same feeling or experience as you will get when the artist actually cares.
Onto current events lol... I used to have a skeleton key on my ankle and it was great in symbolism for me but the experience with the tattoo artist he didn't care or even try in anyway to get it past what concept i had in my head... it was the first tattoo I ever got I didn't have any idea about the tattoo process and if I didn't know it was more about the artist then tattoos in general it would have been a bad stopping point when it came to all the tattoos I want in the future.
So yesterday I got a cover-up tattoo over the first one, and found a great artist to do the tattoo... I got Hermes Wings but not the cute angel type wings you always see... Hermes was an inventor and built his winged-sandals and they were very mechanical so I took that idea instead of the traditional look... and here it is... YAY!

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