Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Greek Mythology: Gaia and Ouranos (reading discretion advised)

(this post may not be acceptable for all readers)
Please Read my "Reading Between the Lines of Mythology: Greek" Post First

Gaia was the Greek Goddess Mother Earth

She had 3 children by herself Pontus (sea), Ourea (mountains) and Ouranos (sky).
She then started having children with her son Ouranos and...
They have many children together including Ash Tree Nymphs, Cyclopes, hundred-handed Giants, and the Titans...

The Fall of Ouranos
Ouranos (sky) was horrified by the children that he had produced with Gaia (incest what did you really expect) he feared he would be overthrown by these monsters and tried to put them back from whence they came... literally putting them back into her womb... i will leave that to your imagination...
Gaia "goes inside herself" and gives her son Cronos, the oldest of the Titans a scythe and when Ouranos was sleeping Cronos uses the scythe...

Now here is where it gets a bit graphic ...

and cuts off Ouranos' genitalia and it falls into the sea from the blood sprung the Furies and from the "sea foam"' came Aphrodite. (therefore becoming the first God to give birth without a female...

pictures from:

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