Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tools of the Magickal Trade: Athame and Bolline

You read a lot of restrictions in books when authors describe tools for magickal uses... In Wicca especially Athames can only be dull black handled doubled edged knifes that have a blade 9 inches long... This is simply not true... That is according to that author when it comes to tools follow your gut is my advise.

The Athame is a knife that usually has a dark or black handle, and is only a ritual tool. According to Scott Cunningham this is due to the fact that black absorbs energy.The Athame is usually dull and is not used for cutting anything physical it is a double edged knife. It is connected to the element of Fire and is a viewed as a phallic symbol connected it more with the God aspect then the the Goddess. Some use a sword instead of this tool but that would have to be used if a lot of space is in your working area.

On the other hand the Bolline is usually the white handled knife and is sharp and is more practical. It is used to inscribe, cut things such as herbs, cords and wax.

Personally this is probably some of my favorite tools. Yet none of them follow the standards that I read in books. I prize the knifes my 2 Athames and my Bolline. I use them for many purposes during rituals and spell work. I have 1 small Athame that is made out of metal that I have had for years. Then I got another 1 recently made out of Wood. Then my Bolline is a small wooden handled  knife with a metal blade.
Cherry Wood handle and Maple Wood Hilt

Other side is my name in Runes

You couldn't cut paper with this... lol

The top is a crescent moon

It took me a while to find a Bolline that I really like and though it says that your Athame has to have a Black handle and your Bolline a white one. I don't necessary believe that to be a rule but a guideline... Especially for beginners in the craft it helps but if you find an Athame or Bolline that you connect to you but the it doesn't have the "appropriate" color handle there are things you can do to make it work... Like tying a ribbon around the hilt. So the most important thing first is to find one that you are connected to.

In my opinion the standards that authors give to readers about what their tools should be should not be taken as the end all be all. It is not mandatory what they tell you they are simply giving what they do and as you grow in the path you have chosen or are making for yourself keep in mind that you are given the opinions of others and that it up to you to twist and mold it to what works for you.

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