Friday, November 18, 2011

Tools of the Magickal Trade: Candle Snuffer?

Why do Witches use candle snuffers....

There are many reasons today when you look in your witchy books that the say to pinch out the flame or use a candle snuffer. I always wondered why obviously not being born and raised in this path why they did this. Well after I did research I found that the reason why is that for one it is disrespectful to the element of fire and also that the magickal working that you have used the candle for the energies get dispersed. So for me I don't find the pinch method good just because if the candle is in a jar for example how do you get your hand down the glass to pinch it out without burning yourself. A candle snuffer is inexpensive you don't need a fancy one and its not one of those objects like an wand where it should have such a deep connection with you...

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